Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New Bob-CAT

I sold my "original" BOB-CAT at Scottsdale Artists School charitable auction.  Jim put in a bid and we left the silent auction before closing time.  We thought that WE had re-purchased my painting.  THe next morning, when I phoned to pay for the painting, I was informed that we had been "outbid."

RATS!  I wanted to have that painting for my own, but wanted to contribute to SAS too.

So I painted BOB CAT again.  Here is BOB...  more "contrast-y" and more atmospheric.  I hope you like him!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MISS Katie

This is MISS Katie, the Grand daughter of my dear friend, Betsy.  Katie is very fashion conscious, with her swimsuit and matching  hat.  She also shows ATTITUDE, which I am certain has come from her Grandmother.  I hope that you enjoy her darling little face.  Don't you just want to nibble those cheeks????

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finished Painting: Reid Class

This is the painted version of the drawing done in Charles Reid's class.  Our model was lovely and wore a huge black hat, against her black hair.  This made for challenges in painting her head and hat.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reid Class: Sketch of model

Charles Reid is a fabulous instructor and a famous painter.

I am lucky enough to study with him this week.  
Here is a sketch that I did of our beautiful model.  I hope you enjoy this.  I later painted her.