Saturday, December 29, 2012


The cowboy was sitting outside of the barn at the end of the day, picking out a tune on his guitar.  Behind his sunglasses, he was totally immersed in his tune.
This painting will be shown at Colorado Watercolor Society's
annual exhibition in February in Denver.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Joey Bowman, Running from the Surf....

This little lady is Josephine Bowman, better known by Andy and Mary D. Bowman as
"Joey."  She is soft and white and wonderful.  Here, she bounces from the surf in 
Michigan, where she and her parents live.  I will send her painting to 
the Bowmans for a late Christmas gift.  Merry Christmas, Andy and Mary D!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cleopatra of the Mountains....

Meet Cleopatra Grauer
Huntress, sweet girl, delicious, with a fast tongue that licks you when you get within licking distance.... She is adorable, and sister of Nocchi, and cousin of our doxie, Josephine.
Cleo has long  gorgeous hair that is silky black and cream.
Merry Christmas, Donna and Bernie!!

Gini's Door

This is the door to Gini's House....Her home is warm and welcome and wonderful...  The antique wooden door, lanterns, chilis, and pots of cacti make each guest want to continue through the door.

I painted her door for her for a Holiday gift.  Happy Holidays, Gini.

Movin' On....

Gini Pringle:  Movin' On!
A very dear friend of mine lost her wonderful husband over a year ago.  She immediately picked herself up, took her dog, Mulligan, and got moving.  No she isn't really riding the motor cycle, but she mugged for this, keeping her martini close at hand....

Nocchi Grauer the Mighty Doxie!

Meet Nocchi Grauer, son of  Donna and Bernie Grauer.  He is a powerful miniature doxie, with ATTITUDE.  He thinks that he is a Bull Mastiff.  Nocchi is the half brother (same daddy) of Princess Josephine, our doxie.

Stay tuned, I am working on his sister, Cleopatra.  She is magnificent!!