Friday, September 18, 2020

Cheeseburger In Paradise....

I love painting whimsical stuff that makes me 
Here it is -- a big bite of heaven on a bun.  
Hope it makes you smile too.  YUMMMMM.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Dance Like Nobody's Looking

I have been experimenting with a more impressionistic approach
to humans and animals.  I love movement, and the human body is 
lovely to paint.  This was painted from memory of a model in class.

Queen of Havana

Nothing like an older lady enjoying her cigar
On the streets of Havana.
Image photographed by Gini Pringle.
Painted by Elle Gould.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


The image is a biker in a biker bar....
Courtesy of my biker image chasing, friend, Gini.
I caught him in the act of enjoying another brew,
While the action behind him rocks on.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Channel & Ralphy Silver

These lovely kiddos are Maltese munchkins.  
They are spirited and have an ATTITUDE about a lot of things!!  
I painted them as a special gift for my dear friends, Anne and Cary.
Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Willie LaWarre

Once upon a time, there was a very special little guy.
His parents, Claudia and Bill adopted him so that they could
give him kisses and hold him,
and Willie could give them licks and jumps and make them laugh and giggle.
Here he is -- in his puppy faced best.
Willie La Warre

Monday, June 15, 2020

Two of Fourteen Plus ONE

This is a painting of my Grandpa Habenicht, his brother, August, and
my Dad, George.  They were obviously happily
"strutting their stuff" between the car
and my adorable baby Dad.
By the way, Grandpa Albert and August were two
of fourteen children who lived on the farm where
this photo was taken.

Hope that you enjoy it!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I was lucky enough to paint an image photographed by my dear friend, Gini.  Ted Nuttall's workshop in portraits at Scottsdale Artists School is always fun, a lot of work, and I learn a lot!!  Gini made this image in Havana, and this fellow was doing his manly thing.....

Ellis Island New Arrival

OK, I'll admit it.  I just couldn't give up painting this image.  
My grandfather, Julius Ludwig Van Pahlke
arrived on Ellis Island with a few belongings.  
I painted him previously, but my work didn't depict the STORY
I wanted to tell.  I think that this is better.

This tells of a little guy who just arrived off of the boat, 
with his few treasures in a bag and basket.  Tattered and torn
just like Madam Liberty held her arms to embrace.

Enjoy and be glad you are here in the USA!!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jim's 1949 Jeep Willy's

I gave this 1949 Jeep Willy's to Jim as a wedding gift.
He drove it all over the mountains in Colorado.
Recently, when we moved, he regretfully sold it.
I wanted him to have Willy's back, if only in a painting.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Banana Split....

I couldn't stand that thought of flowers in the pot, blocks on the table, or other more "traditional" still life prospects.  So I painted a banana split.  

Ice cream is yummy and chocolate, strawberries and nuts with whipped cream sounded like just the ticket for me.  So here it is:  The banana split.

Instead of just looking at mine, why not go out and get your own????

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Immigrant....

This is my Grandfather, "The Immigrant."
His Name was Julius Ludwig Adolf Von Pahlke.  They dropped the "Von" upon entering the U.S. A.
His eyes looked back at mine as I painted this.  Familiar eyes.  Shaped like mine.  Colored like my Mother's eyes.  His ragged little coat, and cap looked a bit small, but "serviceable" to me.  

Monday, March 2, 2020

Lady With Umbrella

I drew this image on an old envelope.  
She had her hair knotted tightly, wore a traditional Thai dress, and carried her umbrella 
for shade from the sun.  
The stamp and address add a little mystery to the image.